Plone overview
Lightning talk at Alpine City Sprint 2025
Plone is:
- a CMS
- create content: pages, folders, images
- workflow: keep private or make public
- share with other users/groups: allow to edit or view
- a community:
- Plone Foundation
- companies, large institutions, individuals
- teams: release, security, marketing, etc
- conferences
- a process:
- PLIPs: PLone Improvement Proposals
- Pull requests: reviews, tests
- Sprints: week of planning and coding
- Release schedule
- written in Python
- build on Zope
- data stored in object database
- add-ons: adapt and extend
Two frontends:
- Classic UI:
- integrated in backend
- html rendered in Python
- plus CSS / JS (Bootstrap 5)
- Volto:
- NodeJS
- React
- Adopt Python best practices
- Adopt latest Javascript/Node improvements
- Be interesting and maintainable
- Keep inventing nice stuff!