David Glick: Tales from a production Plone cluster
Talk by David Glick at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.
With production I mean: serving public traffic (or an intranet), highly available, with maintenance and monitoring.
I will talk about dlr.de, about 15 million hits per month, in their own data center.
First availability. We have stacks in two zones, so if one zone goes down, the second zone should still run.
Internet traffic comes in at a load balancer / cache. This points to one of the apps. The apps talk with the database (primary or secondary) and to one of the two search machines (Solr).
We use Docker Swarm mode. Docker swarm used to be a separate project, but now it is part of Docker machine. It provides a good way to manage several apps on different machines. It is containerised: we build an image once, and deploy it on multiple machines. So you do not have a buildout that you need to run a multiple machines before you can run the result. It takes care of process management: restart processes when they fail or run out of memory. Or it can startup the service on a new machine.
It allows for rolling deployments: take down one of the apps, update it, start it, wait till it receives traffic, and then start updating the next app.
With Docker Swarm you can have a declarative infrastructure. We write it, it gets checked into git, others can review it.
How do you design for availability? Avoid single points of failure. What I dislike about this idea, is that it makes failure seem like something that rarely happens. Instead you should plan for downtime: for example a machine may need to restart after getting some package updates. Services should be stateless: the data should be somewhere else (except if the service is the actual database server).
Varnish as proxy cache is a bit trickier. Varnish stores responses, so it is not really stateless. We have two copies of Varnish. This means we need to send purge requests to different places. You could add multiple addresses in the caching control panel, but here it would be two times http://varnish. So we send the purge requests to a purger that sits in front of the two Varnishes.
For databases it also gets tricky: you need a primary database and a secondary that is kept up to date.
What if the two zones cannot talk to each other? On top, maybe the first zone, with the primary database, cannot be reached by the internet. Then you need cluster managers in three different zones, so there are always two left who can decide what to do.
Think about what resource limits you need to enforce.
Now maintenance. Tune backend environment variables, like the Relstorage blob cache size, and ZODB cache size. Tune postgres configuration, especially related to used memory. Configure cron jobs: we use the crazymax/swarm-cronjob image to run these jobs, like backup and packing. With Postgres you also need to do vacuuming. This is done automatically, but especially the blobs table may not get vacuumed often, because not much changes.
Lastly monitoring.The most basic type of information you need, is: is the server down for everyone or just me, use for example Uptime Robot or Uptime Kuma. You can use SigNoz for log aggregation. There are metrics that you can check over time, for example metrics on Traefik can tell you how long requests take, how many requests per minute you get, what percentage of requests are failing.
I like "distributed tracing" better than logs, where you can drill down into details of a request, like how many SQL queries are done.
Also use something like Sentry to get reports/alerts about errors.
With collective.opentelemetry, which I am working on, we get more OpenTelemetry data about Plone and Zope.
Panel: The Future of Search in Plone, 2023 Edition
Panel discussion at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.
Panelists are: Sally Kleinfeldt, Tiberiu Ichim, Timo Stollenwerk, Eric Steele, Eric Bréhault, Rikupekka Oksanen and Érico Andrei.
This panel provides a brief history and modern examples of Plone search, followed by a discussion of what improvements are needed - both from a marketing and technical perspective. We discussed this topic at the 2011 conference and it will be interesting to see how our opinions have changed. The panel consists of people who have recently been active in Plone search advances.
Timo: we use Solr on a regular basis, for most clients. For collective.solr we had a buildout solution which was supposed to make it easier, but it was adding an extra layer of indirection: it is better to rely on the Solr documentation. There should be a good default, and we can have a search control panel, but will need to learn about Solr to really configure it.
Rikupekka: we run small and large sites at the university. For small sites the standard Plone search is fine. For larger sites we use Solr. One problem with 50,000 documents is when hundreds have a title "Research". Would be nice to have a warning message then: "We already have this many documents with the same title, please be more specific."
Eric Steele: Would be good if we market this correctly.
Tiberiu: At EEA we use Elasticsearch. Lately alternative vector based solutions start popping up. Currently we simply fetch the html of the the page, just like Google Search does.
Guido: At Quaive we use Solr, so much better than Catalog. Tuning it to give more weight to some fields should be an easy way to improve the results.
Erico: We could get rid of ZCatalog in all Plone instances. If navigation works in one way, and search in a different way, it is going to be a nightmare to debug. If we have money, we should hire Nuclia.
Eric Brehault: It needs to be opinionated, configured correctly.
Sally: Solr is open source, Elasticsearch is not.
Timo: I don't care about Solr versus Elasticsearch, we can make any decision there. Integration is important: might be that collective.elasticsearch is doing some things smarter than collective.search.
Guido: If you use an external service, you should remove the SearchableText index from the ZCatalog. And you need to make sure the indexers work: can you extract text from PDF, Word, etc.
Erico: We want real faceted navigation/search, like eea.facetednavigation did. Danger is that some add-ons do not work if the search is different. With a well defined search api, this should be no problem.
Erico: Sounds like there are benefits to each solution. People will want to choose. An abstraction layer will make it a lot safer.
Timo: Solr and Elasticsearch differ a lot, especially on how they handle facets. It is difficult to have an abstraction layer for this. And the responses will be different. If you try to transform the results so you get the same answer from Solr and Elasticsearch, then it kills performance.
Erico: It should be the same type of info as you get from the ZCatalog.
Guido: We need a solution that can handle and fix inconsistencies. The ZCatalog takes part in the transaction machinery in Plone, the external solutions typically do not.
Philip: At one point in Sorrento (Plone Open Garden) we picked Solr and said it should be a first-class citizen in Plone. Just a single sentence in a Google Doc somewhere.
Johannes Raggam: Collaboration revolutions in Quaive
Talk by Johannes Raggam at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.
Currently we have quaive.app.onlyoffice and quaive.app.libreoffice for realtime collaboration. As html editor we use TipTap, using the pat-tiptap pattern, with Hocuspocus for synching changes. This can be used for example for collaboratively writing notes for a weekly meeting.
TipTap is a headless/designless editor, so you need to build your own. It fits nicely in our Patternslib ecosystem. It is based on ProseMirror. This means it has a strict content schema: you define exactly what html structures are allowed. The outcome is potentially nicer HTML than what you get from TinyMCE, the default editor in Plone. Our integration is opinionated, but well-reasoned.
We use the Yjs library, which is a bit like conflict resolution in the ZODB. Also offline support, with sync once you are back online.
Hocuspocus is Tiptap's oen collaboration library. Based on web sockets.
We have a first prototype. We don't have a collaboration history: the document is just saved. Currently only the initiating user can save. Permission check is only client-side for now.
Uses plone.app.textfield, with the Yjs document in the raw value.
- https://github.com/Patternslib/pat-tiptap/pull/6
- https://github.com/Patternslib/tiptap-collaboration-server
We have to see if Plone as storage backend is good for this. There are some BBQ (Boring Bundling Questions).
We want to make this available in standard Quaive. Maybe even for Plone and Volto.
We would like multi-channel editing, so at the same time you can edit text, title, description, data, list of participants, etc.
A collaborative whiteboard would be nice. Collaborative card notes. Collaborative anything!
Guido Stevens: Quaive Roadmap 2025
Talk by Guido Stevens at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque County.
Quaive is an intranet for Plone. First full version is from 2015.
This summer we did a full redesign and rewrite of the notifications in Quaive. For various categories you can choose how you want to receive notifications.
We have a lot on our plate, for example:
- Componentization and design system
- Collaborative editing, Johannes will talk about this after my talk.
- Search subsystem. Solo upgrade. Do we need an AI search? Also panel discussion after Johannes' talk.
Consultant-ware is bad business: you treat Plone as a half product, and promise the customer to build the other half. Instead we prefer a high-quality out-of-the-box base product that you can extend if needed.
There is a trade-off between customisability and a good UX. Between cheap, fast and quality you can choose two. I have seen customisation as quality, but really this is a fourth dimension. We do not want cheap customisations, which are really hacks. We need to build a proper solution into a product. This can still be fairly easy: a custom theme. Or a general product usable by all customers.
Commercial open source. If we see a bug in the base product that we want to fix, it is stuff we decide on, so we pay for it. The customer gets no extra bill, it is covered in their subscription. If the customer sees a bug that they want us to fix, then they pay for it.
Reframe the conversation. Developers can think in terms of costs and development time of a feature. The customers care about the value that a feature brings. We should think beyond coding for money. If you are here for the money, you should leave, because you can make more money outside of open source.
You have four organisation types:
- Blue: machine bureaucracy, top down, control, efficiency, protocol focus, inward looking. In tenders you need to check all the boxes, otherwise you do not get this customer. Optimised towards efficiency.
- Orange: effective organisation. Sales. Rules are important, but results are more important. Goal seeking. These customers always want more features. Outward looking, but still control. Optimised towards opportunity.
- Then comes the big shift, with bottom-up empowerment.
- Green: professional organisation. Self-managing teas, consensus drive, it is about people and feelings, trust. The people who do the actual work are more knowledgeable than their managers, who are there to make things work smoothly. Tech agnostic. Inward looking and empowerment focused. Optimised towards trust.
- Yellow: network organisation. Fluid and networked, project structure, win-win value creation. There is often more value than money. Outward looking and empowerment focused. Optimised towards innovation.
Really every organisation needs all these layers: blue, orange, green, yellow. How does Quaive do this?
- Blue: document management, news items (top down)
- Orange: to-do app, process support
- Green: conversations, workspaces, global activity stream, groups
- Yellow: where is the knowledge: see who is specialised in a subject. Open networking.
Integrate this with "pervasive affordances", something you have throughout the stack: tagging, linking, conversation, search, etc.
Quaive project roadmap: agile project management. Kanban boards, roadmap timeline, live progress data instead of strict planning, project analytics. New pervasive affordance needed: make everything actionable. This gives more process support, which is mainly for orange organisations, but every organisation needs it to some extent.
Olatz Perez de Viñaspre: The effect of social biases in language models
Keynote talk by Olatz Perez de Viñaspre at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.
Current language models are trained on huge amounts of texts. The quality and content of such text has a direct effect on the new generations created by the language model. In this talk we will focus on how language models reproduce the biases present in society.