Lightning talks Wednesday

published Nov 27, 2024

Lightning talks on Wednesday at the Plone conference 2024 in Brasilia.

Érico Andrei: PyTour 2024

There were five Python conferences in Brazil this year. Six with this one. If you visited all of them, that is more than 12 thousand kilometers. Two heroines visited them all!

Alexander Loechel: Secure your keys

You should only use key-based authentication for accessing servers via ssh. Use ssh-fido or ssh-resident keys. Don't store them on your machines. Get hardware keys. You can check with a command if your server supports these keys.

Alin Voinea: EEA and Plone

The EEA, European Environment Agency, is using Plone since at least 2006. In 2019 we jumped into Volto, Plone 6 in 2023, this year Volto 17.

We have 74 PyPI add-ons and 119 NPM add-ons, around 400 Docker images and 900 repositories on GitHub.

EEA has a design system, see That makes them not always work with the Volto Light Theme, but talk with us and we can look.

We use generative AI with Volto-chatbot to generate answers from all our Plone sites.

Kim: Plone user guide

Plone's user guide was written for Plone Classic. We wanted an updated version for the training: 

This was done with, a paid service. Can export to PDF, html.

Breno Brito: Speed run coding with AI

Demo. Prompt: make a beautiful to do app with Python and Flask.

Belisa: Eu te amo, pandas

I love you, pandas. I am working with some Brazilian data in an Excel file with 188 thousand rows. I import them using pandas and polars and compare how they do. With polars it takes 12 seconds to import. With pandas... still busy, so let's sing some karaoke. So I love you, pandas, but...

Mikel Larreategi: Translations

Plone translations are in the package:

Most translations in Volto also come from this package. Some specific translations are in Volto itself.

In the readme of you can see a graph that shows how much in your language is translated. You can clone the repo and edit, or use online Weblate:

The documentation is here: