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Alin Voinea: Volto Dexterity Schema and Layout Editor
Talk at Plone Conference 2020
Through the Web Dexterity Content-Types with Schema Editor and Blocks Layout Editor
How do we define content types schemas in Plone?
- TTW schema editor
- GenericSetup profile
- Behaviors, schemas in Python
Why do we need them, we have Volto blocks, right? You still need metadata, a title, etcetera. Certainly for larger institutions you need a structure, a schema. Volto itself has schema-based components.
Layout editor. Blocks have properties, like a placeholder, a position. You can type text in a block: "Published on date by author". Then select "date" and link this text to the published date metadata, and select "author" and link it to the author. Save this as a layout for a content type. You can export this to a JSONField in a custom behavior, so you can save it in version control for production.
List of add-ons and other packages that make Volto awesome:
Jens Klein: Performance, Profiling, Power-Consumption
Talk at Plone Conference 2020
I want to focus on Python performance, so not caching or database performance.
- py-spy: Overall mix of the whole live application, top-like.
- repoze.profile: WSGI middleware, slows down application. Profile single request and analyse its call stack by count, call time, etc.
- dis: disassembler for Python at the bytecode level.
Improvements Plone 5.2.0-5.2.3:
- Avoided early providedBy calls
- __getattr__ early exit on common attributes
- zope.interface: some functions are called hundreds of thousands of times when you reindex an index, so a tiny improvement helps a lot. I found various places that could use improvements, and that landed in the package, together with memory improvements by Jason Madden.
Live demo. I call py-spy with sudo because I need to connect to an existing process id.
Future Todo's:
- plone.restapi has optimization potential, all navigation related, but currently it still supports even Plone 4.3. This will likely wait for a 5.2-only or Python3-only branch.
- plone.registry is called too often
- Use python: expressions in all page templates. They are way faster than standard Tales expressions.
- More introspection.
- Move more logic from page templates to Python code
Advice: start introspecting the performance of your application.
Alex Clark: The State of Pillow
Talk at Plone Conference 2020
The Plone Conference account tweeted that a State of Plone talk would be awesome and that the Plone community missed me. I miss the Plone community too, so I am here.
I will state it clearly: Pillow would not exist if not for Plone.
In July 2010 I announced Pillow as "friendly" fork of PIL. The mailing thread and future answers are interesting to read.
Some history:
- 1991: Python 0.9.1
- 1995: PIL started
- 1998: Zope
- 1999: Zope2
- 2000: Python 2.0 with distutils
- 2001: Plone
- 2005: Buildout
- 2006: I attended my first Plone Conference, in Washington
- 2006: setuptools was born
PIL had an issue, or Plone had an issue with PIL:
- PIL used distutils.
- Plone 3.2 used Buildout and setuptools
- PIL was not installable in Buildout and setuptools
- Specific problem: import Image could mean the Image module from PIL, or the Image module from Zope.
Various ways of repackaging PIL started, for example PILwoTk. You can still find various PIL derivatives at
PIL 1.1.6 from 2006 is still the last version on PyPI. I got maintainership of this page this year, actually. Pillow 1.0 is basically the same, except that it uses setuptools. This worked in buildout. I was happy.
Couple years, nothing really interesting happened. But some contributors came along. Pillow 2.0.0 in March 2013 had Python 3 support.
An important milestone in 2015: we added release notes.
Release schedule: in the beginning of every quarter.
We get some money from Tidelift for maintenance.
Lightning talks Monday
Lightning talks on Monday at Plone Conference 2020
Alec Mitchell: WYSIWYG problems be gone
A new add-on to vastly* improve your content editing experience.
(* size of improvement may vary, no warranty implied. The following is (un)paid free software promotional content)
Adding images to a document is so hard! At least nine steps! (Difficulty be exaggerated for marketing purposes). Why can't you drop an image in? You can, with our new, super special add-on krcw.tinymce_imagedrop.
Can you drop two? Yes!
Can you drop more than two? No, because browsers are weird.
But it fails gracefully.
Steve Piercy: Deform and friends
How I learned to stop worrying and love web forms. We must have a good interface, data structure, validation, security. Deform (form library), colander (de/serialization), peppercorn (data structure), bootstrap forms for design. We have a looooong list of widgets. In deform 3.0 we will use bootstrap 5. See
Christopher Lozinski: Forest Wiki
The Forest Wiki is a modern version of Zope 2. Biggest difference: it uses Pyramid's security and views. Modern JavaScript enabled ZMI: reorder, sort, rename, etc. Both WYSIWYG and MarkDown pages. Advanced types like JSON, CoffeeScript, pug. Pug is the leading template engine for Node.
Jens Klein: RelStorage
Plone relational database backend storage. It is a drop-in replacement for FileStorage of ZEO. You can use PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite. It has been around for about 13 years, grown old, but in recent years development has picked up, driven by Jason Madden, including Python 3 support. It is much more performant. Latest release 3.4.0 is form October 2020.
PostgreSQL is the cloud database, kind of industry standard, well supported by all big cloud providers. Easy to install in Docker.
Advantages of RelStorage: fast, parallel commits, better concurrency, shorter locks. Optimized per process caching. Blobs in database. Optionally you can use it in history free mode. You lose the Undo functionality, but you don't need to pack so often.
plone.recipe.zope2instance supports it with the rel-storage option.
You can use additional client side caches, shared between all threads of a process.
With the zodbconvert tool you convert from ZEO to RelStorage, or the other way around, including converting blobs if needed.
ZODB keeps old transactions, so packing is needed, even in history free mode. RelStorage has a fast zodbpack.
RelStorage 3.x is Python 3 only and runs with Plone 5.2+. Here, blobs should be stored in RelStorage.
RelStorage 2.x is for Plone 5.0, 5.1, and blobs should **not** be stored in the database, except for Oracle backends, otherwise you should still use a shared blobs filesystem directory.
I use RelStorage today for all my live deployments. I have used it since version 1.6 with Plone 4.3 and never had problems. Always blazing fast. Dev/ops and sysadmins love it: it is a standard solution, nothing special, just works.
Maik Derstappen: Add-on catalog for Plone
We want to bring back an add-on catalog for Plone. You can look on PyPI, but it is hard to find packages.
We worked on a tool for this. You can search on named, filter on Plone versions and add-on types.
- The Python Package Filter Aggregator (pyf.aggregator) aggregates the meta information of all Python packages in the PyPI.
- an api using elasticsearch
- a prototype in Svelte
We only aggregate packages that have classifier Plone :: Framework. We will probably work on this during the sprints and are happy to onboard you.
David Bain: Plone and Webflow
Both platforms are for building websites, but they approach things in different ways. I hope this may inspire. Keep in mind the motivation of the two platforms, which may account for some strengths and weaknesses.
Webflow is visual web design, less content management. Strong design tools. Designer friendly layout tools. You can design a page with what you could call blocks.
Plone is enterprise content management, focus on security. Linking to an attachment is standard, where it is tricky in Webflow. Forms are way more flexible.
We have also built a website in Webflow and based it on Plone.
Steve Piercy: Pyramid Project in PyCharm Professional
It is easy to create a such a project. Demo. See
Miu Razvan: Volto grid block
- Created by Eau de Web team
- Dependencies: Volto blocks form
- Similar component: Volto columns block
- Use it to organize other blocks.
- Demo showing lots of configuration options, including for different screen sizes
- See
Maik Derstappen: Custom elements
Custom elements are an extension to normal native html elements, for example .
The promise of web components: write once, use anywhere. See
How do you use this in Plone? Use plonecli add svelte_app to create a small app. Run yarn. Install in Plone add-ons control panel. Edit a page. Replace html source with />. And your component is there and working. The size is less than five kilobytes.
Tiberiu Ichim: volto-slate
volto-slate is a drop-in replacement for the standard rich text editor in Volto. Volto turns an HTML document into a modern document.
Why another text editor instead of improving the existing one?
- With Slate we get a better plugin framework. Plugins are just wrappers around the editor. The standard Draft.js is meant to be integrated directly by an application, no concept of plugins out-of-the-box.
- Slate has simple DOM-like storage for its values, making it easier to render the ersult.
Current status:
- No migrations of any kind.
- Right now not possible to completely remove or replace Draftjs out of Volto.
Fred van Dijk: collective.collectionfilter as a Light-weight Faceted Navigation or a 'compare' Console
Talk at Plone Conference 2020
I want to talk about some categorisation and classification options in Plone, next to the folder structure.
Faceted navigation: drill down on 'facets' when you search for items. It was popularized by online shopping. Facets in Plone for developers is: whatever is in the ZCatalog, and for users: what you can search on in Collections. Gold standard is eea.facetednavigation, developed for the European Environment Agency. Examples: EEA, and on two sites by Zest: Vaquums and Minaraad, where it replaces the standard search.
collective.collectionfilter is a much leaner, meaner, but also more limited version of faceted navigation. Demo with standard Plone News Items with some tags (also known as categories, also known as Subject). Add a Collection that filters on News Items. Now add collection filter portlets.
eea.facetednavigation takes over your complete page. In an action you enable or disable it.
Now a demo of collectionfilter in SGBP, a documentation website for water management planning in Belgium/Flanders. The customer wanted to take some graphs and compare them. We did that with collectionfilter and collective.classifiers. With the last one we added structured categories: one for water basins and one for parameters of the graphs. Now we use collectionfilter to query a parameter and show the graphs for all water basins.
You can adapt several things in the collectionfilter UI, for example change how search options are displayed. This is documented, but took me a while to get right.
Collectionfilter also works with Mosaic, because the portlets are also mapped to tiles.