
published Nov 03, 2021, last modified Nov 04, 2021

Guido Stevens: Public Sector & Open Source: Natural Allies

published Nov 27, 2024

Talk by Guido Stevens at the Plone conference 2024 in Brasilia.

Link to talk information on Plone conference website.

The worldwide Crowdstrike outage on Windows computers this year: crazy how such a thing can happen. I have better quality control than that! How resilient is our tech infrastructure?

What is the point of writing code if the world is going to pieces?

A short history of the internet revolution. The Berkeley software was started in the sixties. It grew a lot, in the nineties Web 1.0 started. Metcalfe's law: the value of each new connection increases.

Mandelbrot wrote The (mis)behavior of markets. From bell curve to power law or the long tail: a few people get very rich and most people get very poor. That happens in networked connections. People are more geared towards linear connections.

Web 2.0, in the 2000s, went from a read-only web, to a read-write web.

Trump, Brexit, Covid, they all rocked the world.

"Post-truth is pre-fascism", writes Timothy Snyder in On tyranny. You should read this.

Web 3.0 is skipped and we just have AI. AI will swamp the web with nonsense, and no one can find your content anymore.

I had higher hopes, too. I did not sign up for this dystopia. I have an MBA in environmental economics, done OSS web development for decades, am on the Plone Foundation, and founder of Quaive.

I wrote a book Systems of intent: Open source (Plone) plus knowledge management = Quaive. Quaive changes the Plone UI. It shows an activity stream, documents, news, personally configurable dashboard. It enables a shift in the company from top-down to bottom-up. Technology can also cause problems. But is technology the problem? Or is capitalism the problem? Resistance is not futile.

Chaos theory, butterfly effect: small acts can have huge effects. You and I are all complex individuals, complex systems. It is a shift from a clockwork universe to an alive universe. Emergence: on a higher level something more happens than what you can imagine looking at the lower levels.

Adrienne Maree Brown: Emergent strategy. Adaptive: constant change. Move at the speed of trust.


  • Local autonomy. Have control over your technology.
  • Strive for technological excellence. Our stuff needs to be good and secure.
  • Networked agility: how we cooperate and coordinate effectively.
  • Community sharing: celebrate that we are not alone.

The clients that use Quaive may not be interested in our GPK license, but they do care about those principles.

Asterix: the whole of France is occupied? No, one corner not. Same now: Half of Belgium (the Walloon region) uses Plone in basically all their towns, supported by IMIO. We got into an agreement when I visited personally.

Technical detail: using Docker, IMIO was able to host 8 sites on a server where we previously could only host one site.

Think global, act local. Open source is not only free as in beer, but free as in freedom. The community makes this possible: Free as in community. Public sector and open source are natural allies.

Fred van Dijk: Volto Information Architecture

published Nov 27, 2024

Talk by Fred van Dijk at the Plone conference 2024 in Brasilia.

Link to talk information on Plone conference website.

I am using Plone since 2002, but am not a frontend expert. So currently I still have a bit of an outsider view on Volto, but I am working at Kitconcept now so will gain more experience.

Central thesis in this talk:

We need to rethink and upgrade or extend our content types and blocks system for Plone 7 and beyond.

For a big project at Zest we needed to migrate a website from Plone 4 to Plone 6 with Volto. I and colleague Maurits are mediocre frontenders at best, so we had help from two frontenders, though they had no experience with Plone or Volto.

We have almost all the building blocks already: distributions, the most secure CMS, the composite page editor, dexterity behaviours.

To do: generalised and connected frontend-backend configurations, devcontainers, version 3 of the block model, more documentation.

The big project: upgrade of the main website of the Flemish environmental agency, kind of the little sister of the European environmental agency. A communication agency came up with 20+ content types and a functionality geared towards Drupal. But the existing site was Plone 4. There were far too many inconsistencies in their design. Let's just start.

Old site is still online: https://www.vmm.be. The new site will go live tomorrow: https://vmm.vlaanderen.be. Not the greatest timing, but at least I have no talks tomorrow.

Versions used in this project: Plone 6.0 backend, Volto 18 alphas at first, now 18.1.1, Volto Light Theme. Still a Cookiecutter template as basis, if we would start now we would use Cookieplone.

Main assumptions in the Volto information architecture:

  • Composite pages are now built-in, with blocks layout almost everywhere.
  • Pages are folders.

Challenge: Where do you store images that belong to a page? If you are still adding the page, there is no place yet for storing the image. Store it in the block? No: use references. Put the images in a folder and reference it from a page.

Metadata images: we have lead images for listings and header images for the top of a page. The design should limit the aspect ratios and sizes, preferably just two are three sizes. That is more pleasing to the eyes than 10+ differently sized images on a page.

Media and data (for example graphs) belong in data content types, and their presentation should be in blocks.

One block to rule them all: we have the teaser block in core Volto now. Then we define adaptations/variations for presenting the different content types.

With Volto the editors can go wild on landing pages. Danger: they also do that in detail pages, which may not be what you want. Templates to the rescue: you can create an initialBlocks configuration. We added metadata (subtypes) with which an editor could say what kind of page it is.

"Listy" blocks: you can either use a grid block with teasers, or a listing/search block. They can look the same. But the design had lots of combinations that should be supported, and then all kinds of exceptions came up. To the rescue: default variants. The default teaser block variant can adapt itself to the listing.

Responsiveness: we sometimes have 2 blocks in a listing or grid, sometimes 3 or 4, needed to deal with that. Needed to fix some restrictions with the search facets too, needing to be able to choose different vocabularies.

We have three layers: the visual side of Volto, then information architecture concepts, then the backend. Idea: connect frontend blocks with backend instance behaviours. Then you have no explosion on content types.

Lightning talks Friday

published Oct 06, 2023

Lightning talks on Friday at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.

Jakob Kahl: Beethoven Sprint

We will again host the Beethoven Sprint in Bonn, 13-17 May 2024.

Lukas: PloneGov-BR

Plone portal from Brasil. https://github.com/plonegovbr

1.2 billion page view per year, 28 sites, 800k+ content items.

Plone conference Brasilia 18-24th November 2024.

Victor Fernandez de Alba: Volto PLIPs

PLone Improvement Proposals for Volto. See on GitHub.

Mikel Larreategi: Version inspection

What to do when Maurits tells you to update five packages with security fixes? We made a product for this. DigitalOcean API to get all the project lists, scp to get the instance files (bin.instance, yarn.lock), and search.

CodeSyntax: #PrettyEibar awards ceremony

The winner is Kim Nguyen with a picture of a blue house.

Michael McFadden: Have you heard about Tau?

The Tau manifesto. Tau is 2 times pie. Pie is only half the story. 1 tau is 1 turn. Much easier to teach to children. See https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto.

Kim Nguyen: Do you want customers?

Do you want glory? Do you want to help Plone? Help Plone help you. Get your Plone provider listing today!

Go to https://plone.org/providers and register.

Dylan Jay: Python meetups

In 2014 I moved from Australia to Bangkok. I started a meetup for Python. We are at meetup 94 now. There is a PyCon in Thailand December 13-15 this year.

Do you live in a town that does not have Python meetups? Create one! Build it and they will come. You need a venue. Anyone who is interested in developers, can help you. How do you get people to talk: twist their arm, get them drunk. Have two short talks rather than one big one.

The Python foundation now pays for meetups. You can use meetup.com, but you do not have to. You need a code of conduct. I needed a page, I used pyscript, Python in the browser.

Philip Bauer: Erico, I want a beer

Erico promised me a beer if I did something useful for him. Open an Plone site, do exportimport, you can now export it to one file per item.

Mikel Larreategi: Some random things

I had ideas for talks, but did not do it, so quickly they are here. 

pas.plugins.oidc. Created by Mauro Amico. OpenID Connect is a layer of identification. You can install the PAS plugin in Plone and talk to such a server [works in a test setup for me as well, Maurits]. Works with various identity providers, like Google Workspace, Keycloak, EU Login. Click a link, redirect to the provider and identify there, callback, internal connection to provider, user is created in Plone and group management granted. We use it in production in two scenarios. See https://github.com/collective/pas.plugins.oidc.

Lichess: Open source chess server. Free, free, free, no ads, no tracking. 93M games played last month. I wanted to translate it into Basque. They use CrowdIn. Can we use something similar for Plone? Weblate maybe? We use this at CodeSyntax. Perhaps I will work on this the coming months for the core Plone translations.

This Plone conference started at Beethovensprint 2022. Last of of the sprint, after last dinner, with last beer in our hands, a few guys were there and approached us: "You are going to organise the conference, right?"

Thank you everyone!

Plone Foundation annual meeting

published Oct 06, 2023

Open annual meeting of the Plone Foundation membership at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.

This year the Foundation membership voted in favour of a change to the bylaws, making it more inclusive, and moving to two cohorts for the Plone Foundation board, each cohort serving for two years.

New Foundation members this year: Mauro, Tanya, Jan, Karel, André, Brian, Joao, Martin. We have 100 active members from 21 countries. It you are an emeritus member and want to reactivate, contact the board.

There is a new contributor agreement process, more digital now, not fully automated yet, but easier to handle. There were 43 real new contributors, not including some hopeful GSoc students that never did anything. There were 5 real active GSoc students, thank you for your work, and thank you Google for sponsoring this. Others see that we are handling this well as organisation. And we try to bring the students here to the conference to present their work. Unfortunately there are strict rules in the EU making it hard to get visa for everyone.

Election for the next Plone Foundation Board of Directors. The result of the vote is in. For a one year term: Brian Davis, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roeland. For a two year term: Eric Brehault, Guido Stevens, Mikel Larreategi. Congratulations. Thank you outgoing directors: William, Jens, T. Kim and Erico.

Meeting adjourned.

Jon Pentland: Security considerations for Plone providers

published Oct 06, 2023

Talk by Jon Pentland at Plone conference 2023, Eibar, Basque Country.

Our company PretaGov did an accreditation process. We have lots of government contracts, so this got important. It is a self assessment process.

What I want to do in this talk is talk about holistic security, the kinds of things we needed to do for the accreditation.

Organisational security

How do you manage your secrets? High quality, unique passwords. Not written down. We use a password manager across the organisation. This also finds compromised passwords.

Secure your devices: firewalls, antivirus, automatic updates, have a software policy (what software can you install, do you need approval for this), no out of date/legacy software. Last part is tricky when you still need to maintain Plone 4.3 sites. We worked around this by doing it on Docker, so at least our own development machines are not vulnerable.

Cloud/Saas: have an audited list of services, individual accounts where possible, don't give admin access to everybody, close unused accounts, use MFA if possible.

Infrastructure security

Define the scope: understand what you have, for example by creating an image with users, machines, internet boundaries, cloud services, networking equipment.

Secure servers and cloud infrastructure. Control the access to servers. A VPN with two factor can help here. Have a minimum required access. Keep servers up to date, firewall, antivirus where applicable. Backup and disaster recovery system: if your data is encrypted and held ransom, you want to be able to get back a recent version.

Web security

The browser goes to the proxy or load balancer and then your app (Plone). It is 2023, every site must be encrypted with https, this is free with lets encrypt, including auto-renewal.

Think about the Cipher suites. Older suites are insecure to for example the heartbleed or beast attacks. You should use TLSv3. You might need an older version if you need to support older browsers. Check the security with automated tools.

Setup https strict transport security. This tells the browser to remember that this site uses https. This makes the site harder to spoof when an attacker controls the wifi. Check https://hstspreload.org/

Click jacking: tricking users to click somewhere that they did not mean. Can be done with invisible iframes. Prevent this by setting X-Frame-Options header, either DENY or ALLOWORIGIN. Cookies should have the Secure setting so it will not be sent on http and in some cases the httpOnly setting so it can't be read from javascript.

XSS, Cross Site Scripting Attack. Plone protects you from this usually, and the security team looks at this. You can set a Content-Security-Policy header. It can be tricky as it can disable functionality that you rely on. You can set "report-to" to get browsers to send you a report about things it would have blocked, so you can try your policy for a while. Check https://www.uriports.com/

If you see security problems in plone, mail security@plone.org.

Plone security

Change the default admin password. Block access to the ZMI (manage, manage_*), you should normally not need this. Install hotfixes, see https://plone.org/security/hotfixes. Use Python 3. If you really still need Python 2, your OS vender may offer paid support.

Protect logins. collective.PasswordStrengthPlugin, there is a branch for Plone 5/6. collective.googleauthenticator, also here Plone 5/6 support coming. Products.LoginLockout: brute force protection, after some failed logins, block the user for a time. Or block all  users except a few specific ones. pas.plugins.authomatic hands off your authentication to Google or GitHub, etc.

Volto security

Content-Security-Policy gets tricky because Volto sets inline scripts and styles, so this requires "unsafe-inline" in the policy. @plone-collective/volto-csp and volto-middleware-helmet help here, they are coming soon.

CORS, Cross Origin Resource Sharing. A lot of browsers block javascript from accessing other domains. Volto needs to access data from the Plone api, so if you host this api on a different domain, you will need to set headers with Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Credentials. Configure this on the backend. Only use a single origin. You can use *.example.com, but then the Credentials will not be passed.

Security for the build stack. Use cookiecutter-plone-starter for a good base setup. Use dependandabot to warn you about vulnerabilities in packages that you use. Use a CI/CD setup to ease rolling out fixes.

Assorted security

Some more things that are worth doing.

Rate limiting, for example with haproxy, to prevent someone hammering your site. Fail2Ban, mostly just getting rid of traffic you do not want. See also Fail2Ban.WebExpoits for custom checks.


Feature Policy Header let's you control what javascript features are allowed on your site, for example disable microphone and camera.

With a Referrer Policy Header you can instruct the browser to not send a Referer header to the next site.
