published Jan 04, 1000

eXtremeManagement has gotten an overhaul under the surface. To keep track of actual hours booked and a total of estimates for an Iteration or Story or Task we were using ComputedFields and some ugly methods. We got rid of those. Instead we are now using clean zope 3 style annotations. Why, you ask?

Part of my big final assignment of my study Informatics is getting eXtremeManagement to run on Plone 3.0 (beta). That is functioning nicely now. Some remarks about what I needed to do for that.

If you want a new content type slightly different from an existing one, you might be able to use only GenericSetup to accomplish this. Update: 'diff -u' added; alternative way using the ZMI added; point to TemplateContentTypes by Rocky.

Do you want to add a document to a folder that ends up (almost) at the top? Or do you want to roulate/rotate contents of a folder so a different one ends up on top each day or so? Zest Software presents a Plone product that does just that: roulationpolicy.

Poi has seen some interesting changes recently. Which branch or bundle can you use in combination with which Plone version? An investigation.

Ik heb een rapport ingeleverd voor school over wat ik de laatste tijd bij Zest Software heb gedaan aan eXtremeManagement: een projectmanagement tool voor het CMS Plone. Download het rapport (Engels) of lees de Nederlandse samenvatting.

I finished a report for school about work I did on eXtremeManagement at Zest Software the past months. Biggest parts: getting xm to run on Plone 3.0 and use Zope 3 technologies. Download the report or read the preface, abstract and conclusion.

The eXtremeManagement product has seen lots of updates recently. I am writing a report for school about that. I will put the report online as a pdf file when it is ready. But I thought it would be nice to publish some parts in advance. Feedback can help me to make a better report. The intended audience is mostly Plone (partly Zope) developers. The teachers at school who are going to give me a grade for this should also be able to follow it though and they do not know much about Zope and Plone. So this blog entry and some others like it should be fairly readable also for programmers new to Zope and Plone (and python probably).