Lightning Talks Wednesday

published Dec 09, 2020

Lightning Talks on Wednesday at the Plone Conference 2020

Lukas Guziel: Continuous Deployment

CD means deploying code automatically. It saves time, reduces human error. It Gitlab you can add gitlib-ci.yml and configure it. Include a base template that you use in multiple projects. End result can be a site that the customer can test.

Erico Andrei: World Plone Day 2021

We are a global community. Almost 300 people from 36 countries are at this online conference. World Plone Day is an annual Plone event. Next year of course online. April 28th 2021.

We want to stream 24 hours live on our YouTube channel. Showcase Plone. Technical talk, use cases, interviews, demo.

It should not all be in English, please use your own language. Talk to your local community.

Please help and join. See

Andreas Jung: collective.contentsync2

Syncing content between Plone sites through plone.restapi. It is a behavior. You have a source Plone site and one or more target Plone sites. You need Plone 5.2 under Python 3.

  • Create a dedicated user account with global role Editor.
  • Configure on the content sync control panel.
  • Automatically creates two content rules to sync content when added or modified.
  • You can enable it on all content types, also Folders.


Philip Bauer: Why relations are weird

These packages have a part in relations:

  • zc.relation: abstract relation catalog
  • z3c.relationfield: fields and values on objects
  • converters from field to widget and vv
  • widgets
  • mockup: actual widget UI

In a schema use a RelationChoice field with vocabulary, and set pattern directives.

It is not straightforward. So I wrote collective.relationhelpers.


Maybe use uuid instead of all this code.

[About ten people in the chat want to merge this package into plone.api. Actually, see this issue.]

Christopher Lozinski: Simple JSON Schema GUIs

Create a JSON schema, automatically generate the UI. Search for basic JSON editor library. He shows JSON in ZODB, so you can browse it, if I understood correctly.🙂