Maik Derstappen: Plone 6 Theming with Diazo

published Dec 10, 2020

Talk at Plone Conference 2020

How does Plone theming look in classic UI?

  • html5 theme plus a mapping configuration
  • deploying themes as ZIP-file for shared hosting is possible
  • With Diazo you can map any Plone html to a static theme layout.

Separating frontend and backend theme. Don't reinvent the backend views! You could theme the backend, so for content editors and admins, but it looks fine, not needed. You should focus on the frontend layout for visitors. To use the default backend layout you can include backend.xml in your rules, with some conditions.

Diazo is not for everything! If the backend markup differs from what you need, do not try to solve it with Diazo or XSLT. Instead, fix the backend templates directly, most likely with a z3c.jbot override.

You can use theme fragments or browser views to add new templates. The theme fragments can also be used as tiles in Mosaic.

I like using SASS mixins. Say you have a

class="main-wrapper container">
. Cleaner would be
. You can do this with mixins with @include in your selector.

For more information on Diazo, see

New features in Plone 6

From the backend we get Bootstrap 5 compatible html. Result is that Bootstrap themes are easier to integrate in Plone 6.

You have custom CSS in the theming control panel, for small changes. This actually sneaked into Plone 5.2.2 as well.

We have simplified Diazo rules.

Create a theme with plonecli:

  • pip install plonecli
  • plonecli create addon plonetheme.yourtheme
  • cd plonetheme.yourtheme
  • plonecli add theme
  • plonecli build

Theme from this presentation will be published as collective.bunapisicuto when it is ready for you to inspect.