eXtremeManagement of Projects in Plone

published Jul 04, 2006 , last modified May 18, 2007

by Maurits van Rees from Zest Software. Eh, yes, that's me. :)

Okay, so I gave a talk myself on Europython. My brother wrote about it. You can get the slides at the Zest Software site. Click the red button next to the printer to get a Powerpoint-like presentation.

Holger Krekel thought the examples (adding for example Stories and Tasks to the live site) took too long. He would have preferred to see some more content like that already prepared. I tried that at the Zest office the week before and they told me to do more examples, so the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. :)

Someone else wondered if anyone at Zest Software could talk German. In that case he would probably want to hear this talk in I think the German Zope User Group (dzug). Also vielleicht gehe ich mal nach Deutschland!