Lightning talks Tuesday

published Oct 26, 2021

Lightning talks on Tuesday at the online Plone Conference 2021.

Michael McFadden - The Many Layers of Radio Free Asia

We have 14 different languages on our site. Everybody wants to display something differently, and it is never enough.

How do we do it in Plone? Browserlayers! Add-ons for everybody: a theme for the Koreans, the Cantonese, etcetera.

English is our base theme. Typical. It changes basic things about Plone, and then the other add-ons register changes for their browser layers.

Alexander Loechel - Regulation (EU) 2018/1724

This is about "Single Digital Gateway” & the “Your Europe” Project, a portal approach for citizen centric services in the European Union. Establish a single digital gateway to information, procedures, etc. One of the many digitization efforts of the European Union. 21 procedures should be standardized, and fully online in the entire EU, including requesting a certificate of birth. Thousands of portals in the EU do this, but EU wants to centralize it, making it the same, use the same procedure, common UI. One goal: you don't need to inform twenty institutions that you have moved.


Plone is a content integration framework. It can play a role here. Meet on Friday in Open Space L.

Kim Nguyen - Plone in a Box™

I gave a presentation last year too. People want to try Plone, add some content, some image, show it to colleagues. Put it in the cloud.

I put together this repo:

Why: make it easy to put on a server, also for non-developers. You do have to create for example an Amazon webservices account, or for Linode. After two and a half minutes you can have a Plone Site running on a new server. I want to get it working on DigitalOcean as well, and sprint on it this weekend.

Lucas Aquino - UseCase - Plone in the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court

We started on Plone 3 in 2010, Plone 4 in 2012, started migration to Plone 5 in 2021. It has information on elections, explaining the situation. We had election day this year. We do support and training.

See the English version of the site:

Calvin Hendryx-Parker - Pyenv rocks and you should be using it

  • Do not use sudo.
  • Do not use the system Python, it is for the system.
  • Use pyenv.
brew install pyenv
# show which version you use by default
pyenv global
# which do you have installed:
pyenv versions
# install one:
pyenv install 3.9.7
# In the current dir use another one:
pyenv local 3.9.5

pyenv plugins: virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:

mkdir proj1; cd proj1
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.6 proj1
pyenv local proj1

I did not have to activate or deactivate anything.

Paul Grunewald (Dresden University) - Keeping track of your Plone customization - a little helper

See [my community post]( I asked about how people keep track of changes. How do you check for updates to any files that you have customized, like templates that have gotten bugfixes upstream.

I have a package collective.patchwatcher, not released yet. You must create an where you declare which overrides you have.

Run bin/patchwatcher. It shows where updates may be. It even tries to merge upstream changes.

[Interesting! MvR]