Steering Circle

published Oct 29, 2021 , last modified Oct 31, 2021

Meeting of Plone's Steering Circle at the online Plone Conference 2021.

Volto 14 alpha 23 is out. So still in alpha, but companies are using it in production. Should be final soon. Some plans for Volto 15. Created plone.volto integration package, where we try to give an easy transition from earlier company-specific versions. plone.restapi as always is pretty boring, stable. Erico worked on Docker integration.

Plone 6 alpha 1 is out. Eric sent an email for some coordination, like docs, training, accessibility, installers. If you want to be involved, let me know.

Franco has stepped out of the Framework Team, thank you for all your work. There is discussion about the role of the Framework Team. Plan is to keep it running, some more people have been asked.

Membership team: we have some people in sight as new members. Erico is stepping down as team lead, Victor is stepping up.

Security: Plone 6 will have 5 years security support. Synchronizing with Zope team. Some new members may be coming.

Marketing: busy with conference, also after the conference. Busy with renewal.

Installers: see the talk by Jens Klein earlier. Plone 6: no more installer, but we do have tooling. There are Docker images. We may want to reduce the role of buildout, and focus more on pip.

Plone Conference: you are looking at it. Some tasks to do afterwards. If anyone is interested in getting a certificate for following a training, ask us, and we can send it.

Internationalization: new branches for Plone 6, so Plone 5 uses different branch. New releases for 5 and 6. Updating po files, looking at i18n in Mockup.

Admin/Intrastructure: servers are still running. Cat herding sysadmins for doing stuff, keeping things up to date.

Trainings: relaunch is complete. We have three new trainings: Theming Plone Classic, Deploying Plone 6, Getting Started with Plone 6 (that one only in video). Various have seen major updates. Need to work on landing pages (we have two), remove the number 5 from the url, update some more trainings. Maybe Mastering Plone Classic training, but hard with navigation due to duplicate section targets when copying. Migration training would be good. We need to prune and tag some.

Plone Classic: We did polishing on Barcelonate, it is pretty ready. Focussing on bobtemplates before the trainings, making theming easier. JavaScript/ES6 is the remaining big issue. Plan is to finish it this year, we are quite far. We need other people helping us out.

Documentation: will be releasing a new Plone 5 branch today. For the new stuff, the tech stack is ready. New version of automated screen shot is about ready. We don't want a duplicate of the training, but we can automatically include code of it, so there is only one source of truth. The style guide is not always followed, seeing what we can do about that. Biggest point is missing documentation. There are now branches where the various teams can add and edit their content. We may change things, but we take this as input for the final structure.