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Lightning talks Friday

published Oct 20, 2017

Lightning talks on Friday at the Plone Conference 2017 in Barcelona.

Andreas Jung: Collaborative content creation with smashdocs

Web based collaborative editor. Better than Google docs: it can be hosted by yourself. Intelligent documents. HTML and XML export. Tracking of changes. Chat and discussion. Docx import and export Integrates with the Plone sharing tab. Content life cycle indicator.


Naoki Nakanishi: Microcontrollers and Plone

I work at CMScom and I like IoT (Internet of Things). Microcontrollers can connect to Plone easily. This is because Plone has RESTful API products. We program the microcontrollers with the MicroPython language. This has the useful urequest and ujson modules. It supports many microcontrollers. I have a rough concept, but I will start to develop this from tomorrow.

Maik Derstappen: bobtemplates.plone

I have been working on bobtemplates.plone:

mrbob bobtemplates.plone:addon -O collective.todo

You can now actually add a content type in an existing package, using a sub template. It will currently overwrite code, so you want to start with a clean git checkout.

See my talk this afternoon.

Unrelated: Plone Tagung 2018 is planned on 20 March in Berlin. Main topics of this conference will be in German, but if others want to join in English, you are welcome.

Érico Andrei: several packages

  • contentrules.slack: post to a slack channel when something happens in your Plone Site.
  • collective.selectivelogin: restrict login

Alexander and Sally: Plone 5 add-ons

We had nominations and votes for Plone 5 add-ons. We had problems with losing the papers where you could vote, so this is with a grain of salt. The top results:

  1. plone.restapi
  2. eea.facetednavigation
  4. collective.easyform

On we have a list of add-ons which are managed by hand. There is a list of Plone releases, where the versions are not sorted right (alphabetically, so 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, etc). So this needs to be improved. During Google Summer of Code work was done here, getting information from PyPI. It still needs work, especially design work can help a lot, to present is nicer.

Nathan and Ramon: Docker, guillotina

Docker Compose is the new buildout? This might be a pattern that works for you.

We have a CMS on top of guillotina:

Lots of other packages:

Charles Beebe: Inclusion > Diversity

Inclusion is more than diversity.

Thank you all, this is my first Plone conference and I felt welcome. I never thought I would feel comfortable to do a presentation the first time I came to a conference.

Have you ever felt uncomfortable during a conference?

You may 'cover' yourself, hiding something of you. That does not help. Even 45 percent of white males in America do this. Do you make people feel at home? It does not have to be complicated. I got a cake from my colleagues when I got engaged.

Philip: Plone 2020

Plone 5.1 master branch with small changes works on Zope 4.

In Brasil Paul Everitt said: "You are dragging the dead body of Zope with you." In 2020 Python 2 is no longer supported.

We investigated and found out that Zope is actually not dead. Plone 5.2 will use Zope 4, discussed yesterday.

Plone minus Archetypes minus ZServer plus Python 3 will be some Plone version.

Some sprint will focus on this area:

  • Alpine City Sprint Innsbruck in January 2018
  • Amsterdam Spring 2018

Where we are now, felt impossible in Brasil 2013.

Roel Bruggink: demo of Plone

Plone demo, logging in, view documents, view history, view changes, edit, site setup, display menus.

What you see here, is bits of Pastanaga and bits of React front end.

Oshane: Plone theme editor

I worked on the theme editor during the GSOC (Google Summer of Code). I will give a demo. Contextual menu for renaming or moving files. Find a file by its name, or find text within files and go to that exact line. Drag and drop files. Import rapido apps.

Mikko Hursti: list customisation

I worked on improving the list customisation using mosaic during the GSOC.

See my final report.

Manabu Terada: Plone conference 2018 Tokyo

The Plone conference 2018 is going to be in Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo does not start with a B, but it has a Bay area, so is it okay?

Two years ago, we had the Plone Symposium Tokyo. PyconJP 2017 in September had lots of visitors.


  • English OK? Yes
  • Expensive? No, food and hotel not. Taxi, sushi, beer: a bit.
  • Safe? Yes. In 2020 we have Olympic Games.

See you next year in Tokyo, 5 to 11 November.

Ramon and Victor: Goodbye

Thank you for coming, good party, good to see new faces from other communities. I hope we keep following this path of opening up to other communities. Glad that it was safe, with all that is going on in Catalunya. We are very happy about organising this.

Thank you Agata, my beautiful wife. Thank you Timo for allowing me to spend an insane amount of time on the conference. Thank you Albert Casado for the beautiful design. Thank you Kim for all your work. Thank you to sponsors, people filling the bags, Sally, Eric, volunteers, time keepers, thanks all for joining us. It was a once in a life time experience. Hope to see you soon in the Plone world.

Éric Bréhault: Building a Cathedral Over Decades

published Oct 20, 2017

Talk by Éric Bréhault at the Plone Conference 2017 in Barcelona.

When you build a CMS, you might start small, but you end up with a very large stack. For Plone, some of this stack is more than fifteen years old.

What do we want to work on for the future? Zope 4! Guillotina! Headless CMS! Everything! So many challenges and huge projects! In a business situation you would probably say this is bad. So why is Plone still alive? Emotions and culture.


A software developer feels like a parent to his code. An open source community is like a shared parent group. Why does this work? Love.

Open source is not business. I can prove that. Business means you are busy. Busy means you are not free. Not free means you are not open. Clear.

The business world talks about disruption. It is violent. Okay for the business world.

Business values a 10x developer. Open source knows: the only way to be a 10x developer, is to have ten developers be twice as good.

Nine couples cannot make one baby in one month. One couple makes a baby in nine months, and it takes a village to raise the baby. Open source community.

Results versus process. Process provides emotions. Results provide money.

Developing with each other is sharing emotion. The Plone community is not just sharing code, it is sharing emotions. It feels good to share.

Empathy: feel what someone else is feeling. It is not something that you decide to do. Empathy makes it possible to share emotions. Empathy is the first open source process.

We are emotion addicts. This is true for Plone developers just as much as for Justin Bieber fans.

I think people are altruists by nature, not egoists. We want to do something for another. Our need for emotion is bigger than our need for money.

Emotion is why Plone is still alive.


Culture is how Plone is still alive.

Our everyday miracle is: pluggability. This comes at a price. Would we release a module without tests, or with a funky css selector? No. People who build Plone add-ons are following the rules, so it is safe to install.

Old Greeks had the word 'Pharmaka' for something that heals, but can also be dangerous. 'Per aspera ad astra': through difficulties to the stars. We give core commit rights to anyone who wants to join us.

The Plone community as a whole has knowledge, a diamond mine.

Building a cathedral

Plone is like the Sagrada Familia. It was created by someone who has left, and it is still being built.

Maik Derstappen: Subtemplates in bobtemplates.plone or on the way to plonecli

published Oct 20, 2017

Talk by Maik Derstappen at the Plone Conference 2017 in Barcelona.

A long time ago, creating a Plone package was as simple as using ZopeSkel and then ZopeSkel sub templates to add for example a new content type. But ZopeSkel is dead.

Plone is using the new mr.bob already for years, with bobtemplates.plone as main template for a new Plone project. But there were only basic templates, no list of templates, no way to add a content type or other things with a sub template, a hard to remember command. So let's fix that!

My vision: give me a tool which helps for:

  • creating different projects, like an add-on or a buildout
  • extending packages with content types, vocabularies, a theme
  • provide best practice skeletons

Something like this:

$ pip instll plonecli
$ plonecli -l
 - addon
   - content_type
   - portlet
 - buildout
$ plonecli add content_type

Standalone templates:

  • addon: basic Plone addon
  • buildout: development/project buildout
  • theme_package: full stand-alone theme package, based on Barceloneta, with grunt setup

Sub templates:

  • content_type: Dexterity CT with XML or zope.schema
  • vocabulary: dynamic vocabulary
  • theme: advanced theme, including themesitesetup and themefragments
  • more to come: tile, behavior, portlet

I have a fork of mr.bob that can list templates.

On plonecli you could use shorter, more easier to remember commands, and I want autocompletion to make it even easier.

We will sprint on this, so please join.

Hanno Schlichting: Zope on Python 3

published Oct 20, 2017

Talk by Hanno Schlichting at the Plone Conference 2017 in Barcelona.

I am currently still the release manager for Zope. There is now a actually a release team.

Plone is built up like this:

  • Python is the programming language.
  • On top of this is the ZODB and the ZCA (Zope Component Architecture)
  • Then the ZTK (Zope ToolKit), just a bunch of packages.
  • Above it is Zope (2.x/4.x)
  • Then CMF
  • Then the Plone CMS

Unrelated to Plone:

  • Pyramid sits on top of the ZCA.
  • Grok sits on top of the ZTK.

The ZTK (like zope.interface and zope.component) was already mostly Python 3 compatible at the moment when we started working on compatibility for Zope. Jason Madden has done a lot and Marius Gedminas, Tres Seaver, a bunch of others.. There is very little development on the ZTK level, mostly just letting it work on newer Python versions.

Alexander Loechel already gave a talk on this conference about porting RestrictedPython.

We no longer call Zope Zope2, but just Zope. This is version 4. Forget about version 3.

ZODB and the ZTK support Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, PyPy, PyPy3. Status page of Python 3 compatibility for Zope related packages: More on the ZTK:

Zope 4.0 beta 2 has been released. That means no new major features should be introduced, focusing on bug fixes. Zope supports Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6. There is no support for PyPy or PyPy3. RestrictedPython is a big reason there, because that is currently just not possible on PyPy. For Acquisition you also have to use a C implementation, so no PyPy.

On you can find some good reports and stories about the Zope porting sprints.

CMF 2.4 beta is released. It targets Zope 4 compatibility. Currently only Python 2.7, but progress is being made on Python 3 support. The Plone community is also busy with that.

Some other changes in Zope 4, not Python 3 related:

  • The distribution name was changed from Zope2 to Zope. Zope2 is now a meta distribution, depending only on Zope. This is similar to ZODB3 being renamed to ZODB. Please keep Zope2 as dependency in your own package, unless it really only works on Zope 4.
  • Zope now uses WSGI, and there is a separate ZServer project. ZServer was written in the days of Python 1.5, so really old. We wanted to get rid of that and use WSGI instead. But to not completely lose the old code, we made this new ZServer project. The WSGI server only supports HTTP, not for example FTP. Also not WebDav as that was really to hard, although it is built on top of HTTP. Probably ZServer is never going to be ported to Python 3. So with WSGI you use something like waitress or gunicorn or Apache mod_wsgi to call Zope.

There are more optional projects for Zope now:

  • ExternalMethod
  • PythonScripts
  • MailHost
  • TemporaryFolder
  • Sessions
  • SiteErrorLog (instead just use the standard Python logging and the WSGI solutions for logging)

Some of these have been ported to Python 3, some not.

More changes:

  • There now is a WSGI based zope.testbrowser. The old test browser was based on mechanize, which was not maintained and not ported, and that was not going to happen.
  • There is full IPv6 support in waitress.
  • Chameleon page templates is in Zope, without needing anymore.
  • zope.globalrequest is in Zope, without needing five.globalrequest anymore.
  • Upcoming minor change: support for unicode object ids under Python 3.

Zope 4 was started five or six years ago. The idea was first to remove lots of things to make it simpler. This has been partially reverted. But you might miss some features.


  • Expect more Zope 4 beta releases over the next monts.
  • Expect a final Zope 4 final release when it is done. :-) That will be when we have the feeling it is stable enough and we are only doing small bug fixes. See the issue tracker.
  • There are no plans for Zope 4.1 or 5.0 yet. A nicer ZMI (Zope Management Interface) is being worked on, so it does not look like it was made in the eighties.

Remarks from the audience:

  • David: Plone on Zope 4 is being worked on, and is making progress. We will further sprint on it this weekend.
  • Eric: We will create a branch for Plone 5.2 this weekend, and try to get an alpha out soon.

Johannes Raggam: Resource Registry Demystified

published Oct 20, 2017

Talk by Johannes Raggam at the Plone Conference 2017 in Barcelona.

The rewrite of the RRs (resource registries) started in 2013 or 2014 and landed in Plone 5.0. I would recommend using Plone 5.1, as various things have been improved there.

With the RR you register and deploy JS and CSS. You can organise dependencies, and optimise resources and number of requests. The resources are grouped into bundles, they are concatenated and minified. Add-ons can easily register their resources. Cache headers are set automatically.

In Plone 4 there were no formally defined dependencies, so that made it hard to manage. You just had a list, and that order was used.

In Plone 5, the RRs are based on plone.registry, RequireJS, LESS and the command line interface of gulp. Instead of LESS, a lot of projects have switched to using SASS now. RequireJS is also less popular. So there is still room for advancement.

The Plone 5 way solves dependency management, but it is complexer and harder to debug. I have had my problems with it, but usually it works quite well, and is a huge improvement over Plone 4.

The js/config.js file in mockup contains configuration on how the javascript in Plone should be built. In Products/CMFPlone/static/plone.js you can see how the plone bundle is defined, and what it requires.

You can still define legacy resources, which work like they did in Plone 4. They are wrapped by some code that temporarily undefines the define and require definitions, otherwise you get errors.

In Products/CMFPlone/static/plone.less all the needed LESS definitions are imported or defined, used for creating our CSS. LESS is very handy for defining for example a text color once and use it in lots of places. [In Plone 4 we did this by using DTML files.]

You can customise and override the plone and plone-loggedin bundles in your code, if you maybe do not need everything that Plone offers by default.

collective.lazysizes has a good example of defining resources and bundles. In its registry.xml it uses condition="have plone-5" to only apply this part on install when the site is Plone 5.

With ./bin/plone-compile-resources -b plone you compile the plone bundle resources. This is also possible TTW, but I recommend the command line tool.


  • Use webpack for compiling bundles. Asko Soukka has started with this for Plone. You can already use it, but it is too early for Plone core. There are some things to fix. I would like to not use RequireJS anymore, which would make it easier to use webpack; instead, ReactJS would be better. The legacy resources currently need special configuration, and that is not very expandable.
  • PLIP 1955 for RR improvements, but on hold now for lack of time and vision
  • PLIP 1653, restructure CMFPlone static resources