Matt Hamilton closing remarks

published Oct 31, 2014 , last modified Nov 03, 2014

Matt Hamilton talks at the Plone Conference 2014 in Bristol. And a little something for next year.

Thank you to the hotel, video and sound guys, our sponsors. Thank you Netsight team. Astra has arranged all the logistics and organized me. Thank you Scott or Wifi. Thank you to my wife, who felt very welcome.

Audience: "Thank you Matt!"

Thank you Plone community.

Not the end. Sprints tomorrow.

Looking forward to next year. What about 2015?

Alex Ghica. We will do the next Plone conference in Bucharest in Romania. Part of Europe, EU, NATO, so all is safe. :-) Venue is a five star hotel, city center, well connected. International airport. Ticket from London if you book it now is 20 euro. 12 to 18 October 2015. Thank you Elena Melis. Thank you Maurizio Delmonte as Sprint manager. Thank you Plone Foundation.