Plone Lightning talks Wednesday

published Oct 29, 2014 , last modified Nov 16, 2014

Lightning talks at the Plone Conference 2014 in Bristol.

Steve McMahon: Plone installation, the future

What is the Installer team doing for Plone 5. You can still use your custom buildout, no problem, so your future may still vary.

Unified Installer will still work. Platform binary installers may not work; possibly Windows; nearly certainly not OS X, as it gets harder and harder to do open source development there.

The hot newness is Cloud or VM kits. We are working on making that happen for Plone too. Our principal tool is going to be Ansible. Build a full-stack server. Vagrant instance to test it before you deploy it. We are not scaring people away from other approaches.

Targets: from 5 to 5000 dollars per month, with configuration. Working on boxes for Digital Ocean, AWS, etc.

Plone 5: no longer ZopeSkel or templar, but mr.bob as tool for bootstrapping a new project. You are free to use the tool you like.

Paul Tax: Anniversary sprint

I am the new guy at Four Digits, Arnhem, The Netherlands. We are organizing a sprint on 22 till 26 June 2015. Hotels near, good wifi, standing desks if you want, agile planning, standups, food and drinks. Party on Friday, because it is our ten year anniversary. No problem if you only want to join for the party. Homebrewn beer.

Paul Roeland: Paragon

Paragon is the search for the very best in Plone add-ons. The hunt is on, especially for add-ons making the lives of integrators easier. No undead add-ons please, no unmaintained. Just good, useful add-ons. You can nominate until November 14. Are they maintained? Are they safe to put on a production site? Go to and nominate an add-on. Sorry, there are a lot of fields to fill in, but only a few are required. But the more the better, thank you for helping us. Results will be announced in December. We will feature those on the new

Asko Soukka: venusianconfiguration

Venusian configuration: no more zcml. Put that configuration in a Python file. It can scan modules, a bit like grok, but explicitly. It will not be released, because I don't want all the hate mail. :-) But maybe incorporate it in Zope configuration.


Sally, Cris, Jens, Alexander, Andreas: bibliographies

Bibliographies are really important to a certain segment of users, academics specifically. There is funding to make some things better. This is a call for help. I scheduled an open space for this topic on Friday, please come and give your input. Create a plan of action.

Manabu Terada: Recent topics about Plone in Japan

PyCon Japan September 2014, 500 people, one English track. I conducted a session about Plone, about 100 people attended. Number of Python developers is increasing in Japan. We wish to spread Plone usage in Japan. Next year: Plone Symposium Tokyo! May/July 2015. Get interesting sessions, so speakers from overseas are very much invited. Airport, big city: English is no problem, outside may be difficult. Tokyo is very cheap. Safe? Yes, we even hold the Olympics in 2020. See you in Tokyo next year.

Maurizio Delmonte: Plone 5 at Sorrento

Abstract also exists for ten years. Join us at the Sorrento sprint next year. Don't wait until the end to save your room. It is somewhere in April 2015.

Here is a video of last year with people talking about Plone 5.

Bogdan Girman: dexterity base classes

Working at Der Freitag, Berlin. We have a dexterity content type Article. We needed to change the base class? One trick would be to delete the object and add it to the parent again, but that does not work with the event handlers that we also have. Main code to work around that:

obj.reindexObject(idxs=['is_folderish', 'object_provides'])

Eric Brehault: Why CMS won't die

All CMS are old. Wordpress is young at 2003.

We can make a no-CMS site quite easily. But a validation workflow and access rights would be nice. Newsletter. Document sharing, with some people. Multilingual. Next thing you know, your no-CMS crashes.

Face it, you need a CMS!

CMS are special. We are CMSistas, and only CMSistas know it. CMS are huge projects. For example: who needs buildout in Python, except us?

Wordpress is about 60 percent of all CMS websites. Huge! But 100 percent tomorrow? No way. I never saw Wordpress at any of my customers.

Nobody promises it will be easy. Is Plone too complex? Every CMS is complex.

Watch the videos of these lightning talks, part 1 and part 2.