Lightning talks Friday

published Oct 25, 2019 , last modified Oct 31, 2019

The Friday Lightning talks at the Plone Conference 2019 in Ferrara.

Wolfgang Thomas: OIRA

Demo of tool for online risk assessment. Export to Word (with python-docx). Training module. Export to Powerpoint presentation with python-pptx.

Alex, Guido: Quaive

State of Plone Intranet in 2019. Dozens of packages. Social stream, search, auditing, real-time document collaboration. Classifieds app makes it nice to share info, legal app showing contracts. PAS graph optimizations, see talk by Alessandro. SVG rendering. Progressive web app, we did not want to create a special app, but it does really give a mobile experience.

Busy supporting Plone 5.2 and Python 3, we will manage that. We will use for push notifications. Encryption via CWS. Johannes is joining Syslab to work on Quaive fulltime. iMio is helping too.

Michele Finelli: vini delle sabie

The last of my three easy pieces on Ferrara.

vini delle sabie is a wine. Sand is influencing the grapes. The grapes are actually immune to some diseases. Most typical is de fortana grape. Give it a try. Perfect companion to the dishes I talked about.

Fred van Dijk: collective.ldapsetup

Example package with LDAP setup. Uses pas.plugins.ldap, which is a replacement for The core package now supports wildcard search, with help from Asko Soukka. Robert Niederreiter did a lot of work to get it working on Python 3. LDAPS support.


Gauthier Bastien collective.documentgenerator

Desktop document generation (.odt, .pdf, .doc, ...) based on appy framework and OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Templating in LibreOffice.


Maik Derstappen: EasyNewsletter

Create news letters in Plone. Send mails to subscribers. Let email server do this, or use an external delivery service. On a collection you can define how items are rendered in the email. You can customize the output and aggregation template. Or fully write your own. Works now on Plone 5.1/5.2 Python 2.7/3.7.

Planned: integrate Mosaico editor.


Paul Grunewald: Plone Tagung

9 to 11 March 2020 in Dresden. Talks and sprints. Come!

Philip Bauer: Training Plone 6

We plan to create quickstart Plone trainings for Python devs, one for frontend devs, one for users. Mastering Plone 5.2 talks about a lot, you should follow it.

But what about mastering Plone 6. It would need to be about backend and frontend. I would love feedback about what would be required. We do not want to overwhelm people.

Maurits van Rees: 3 authentication add-ons

I present three PAS plugins:

  • collective.denyroles
  • pas.plugins.headers
  • collective.contentgroups

See the full presentation.

Treasure hunt solutions

There was a treasure hunt this week, where every day you had to find three items in the city and make pictures. We show the solutions.

Timo Stollenwerk: Cypress

We use this Acceptance testing framework to test Volto. It has gained traction in the JavaScript world.

I use robotframework and love it. But Cypress is written in JavaScript, so an intern could write extra plugin library for it.


Timo Stollenwerk: Sprints

The next two days we will have Plone sprints. Everyone is welcome. It is a great chance to share code, get to know the Plone code, ask questions to coders, and generally work together. We will find someone to pair up with you.

See the list of sprint topics. You can work on other stuff, you can add ideas, also when you will not work on it. You can add your name to topics when you are interested, also multiple topics.

Sally Kleinfeldt: Essential Plone 5 add-ons

People could suggest add-ons, and then people voted for them. Clear winners:

  • collective.easyform
  • plone.restapi (in core now actually)
  • eea.facetednavigation


  • collective.documentgenerator
  • collective.z3cform.datagridfield
  • collective.taxonomy
  • and more

Plone Conference 2020

The Plone conference next year will be in... Namur, Belgium. November 16-22.

Thank you

Thank you Red Turtle for organising such a lovely conference!