Migrating a Product to Plone 4.0
Some preliminary results and ideas based on first steps to get Products.Poi working on Plone 4 (not there yet).
Setup your buildout
Soon: add Plone==4.0a1 to the eggs in your buildout.cfg
Now: add your egg to the development buildout: http://tr.im/TryPlone4
Example buildout.cfg for Products.Poi
[buildout] extends = buildout.cfg auto-checkout += Products.Poi Products.AddRemoveWidget Products.DataGridField [sources] Products.Poi = svn https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/Products.Poi/trunk Products.AddRemoveWidget = svn https://svn.plone.org/svn/archetypes/Products.AddRemoveWidget/trunk Products.DataGridField = svn https://svn.plone.org/svn/archetypes/Products.DataGridField/trunk [instance] eggs += Products.Poi
Things to test
- Does bin/buildout work?
- Does the instance start up in the foreground?
- Can you install your product?
- Can you create/view your content type?
- Do the tests pass?
What to change
- Python2.6, Zope 2.12, CMF 2.2
- No more global_defines.pt
Poi Example 1
ImportError: No module named Interface
- Remove any imports of the Interface package.
- Remove any __implements__ lines from your content types.
- http://dev.plone.org/collective/changeset/100276
Poi Example 2
ImportError: No module named GlobalTranslationService
- use zope.i18n
from Products.PageTemplates.GlobalTranslationService \ import getGlobalTranslationService ts = getGlobalTranslationService() msg = ts.translate('Poi', msg, context=self.context)
from zope.i18n import translate msg = translate(msg, 'Poi', context=self.request)
[Update: you need to pass the request instead of the context.]
Plone 3.x and 4?
Compatibility can work:
try: from beer import Grolsch except ImportError: # BBB from beer import Heineken
or maybe not:
install_requires=[ 'Plone>=4.0dev', ],
Sprint topics
Presentation of sprint topics for the Plone Conference 2009 in Budapest
Sprint list is on the conference website: http://www.ploneconf2009.org/program/sprint
Limi's work list:
- I am going to work on the sunburst theme, completing the css, integrate jquerytools, testing in all browsers.
- Figure out packaging strategy for Plone 5, decide on theme selection.
Limi's wish list:
- Our template customization story and jbot.
- Testing and updating add-on products for Plone 4. Key to the success of Plone 4.
- Next generation CacheFu: five.caching. CacheFu was built for Plone 2.1
- I want LinguaPlone to love Dexterity.
- Look into http://stackoverflow.com to answer questions instead of the plone-users list. Theme it with xdv. There are a lot of frustrated .net developers on stack overflow, so it is good if they see us.
- QA on collective.xdv (binary eggs on Mac).
- Reduce KSS dependency.
- Timezone support
- HttpOnly cookies in Plone 4
- Make all tests exercise unicode in Plone 4. Don't just add ascii as title when testing a portlet. Add umlauts, harts, etc.
- Scripts to build VMWare and Amazon and ISO images from the Unified Installer.
- Nightly performance tests. See if performance suddenly drops after a recent change. Talk to me if you want a list of things to check.
- Version ping daily or weekly to see what versions people are using. Opt-in.
- Typogrify filter. Python script to change -- into something prettier.
- Collections UI improvements. It is so much better in Plone 4. Rob and Geir have worked on this, so get pointers from them if you want to work on this.
- Better commenting system
- css improvements for plone.org and Trac
- Marketing:
- Get a nice Plone 4 feature overview
- Make comparisons of Plone versus other systems. Not one-sided things; guide people into using the right tool.
- Move plone-announce to Feedburner. We have about 500 to 1000 addresses that have to be subscribed over from plone-announce to Feedburner.
- Clean out the issue tracker.
- Reproduce bugs, close irrelevant ones (like for NuPlone which we are not going to fix).
Topics by others
- Wolfgang: LinguaTools, helper set of rules which allow doing things to multiple translations of an object in one go, to avoid repetitive work. We want to make it nicer, more watertight, more modular, we want more tests.
- David: we find E-commerce difficult. We want to make PloneGetPaid easier, and want to move it to the collective.
- Andreas Zeidler: Plone 4 performance. Blob support, unified folders. Fix remaining bugs, update documentation about how to enable blob-related fields. If you have a large zodb with files, please donate it for testing.
- Tom: funkload automated performance testing.
- Tom: git integration for Plone core developers.
- Charlie Clark: core CMF, folder listing view based on formlib
- David Glick: Update add-on products to Plone 4; don't wait till Plone 4 is released. We can assist you now. Document common problems. Make list of products that are Plone 4 compatible.
- Otto, an http publisher without the overhead.
- Rob Gietema: Deco, Dexterity integration.
- Mike Holm: develop a better presence for education, build a website to give info to groups working in the education sector.
- Several people: make video content of first-class citizin. Plumi, p4a video, best of breed video problems, create a definitive buildout config. Plone 5 will have tiles for audio and video. Also: we have catering and coffee all day.
- Nate Aune: Banjo, point-and-click easy theming in Plone with Deliverance. Find me with the video sprinters.
- Dylan Jay: hostout, deploy Plone to any server you want with one command. I want Amazon ootb, figure out some best practices. Integrate with the ZopeSkel UI.
- Amberjack, tutorial tour product. We could help some help from someone who knows kupu.
- Ramon Navarro: multilingual, LinguaPlone for Dexterity, relations.
- Carsten Senger: content import and export for Plone. transmogrifier. How many options are really necessary, what could the UI be.
- Jens Klein: AGX modeling framework, python egg generation part, generate Dexterity types.
- Chris Calloway: ZopeSkel, had a BBQ sprint three weeks ago, we have som work left from that, package up the web interface, templates for Plone 4, Dexterity, WSGI, refactored into sub packages, documentation, fix mailing list.
- Christian Scholz, (MrTopf): social media.
- Bruno: Singing and Dancing
- Jordan Baker: roadrunner fast testing framework, not working so well with Plone 4 and Dexterity, we want to add tests, continuous integration server, Mac OS.
- PloneSocial, RPX (OpenId-like)
Meet up in the hallways, the open area where we gathered the whole week, and talk to the topic leaders.
Lighting Talks Friday
Lighting talks on the last day of the Plone Conference 2009 in Budapest, not counting the weekend sprint. A big thank you to Balasz Ree and all the others!
- Robert Niederreiter: agx
- Pawel Lewicki: ZPublisher.Client.Object
- Nate Aune: ContentMirror
- Jonathan Callahan: Plone as generic data browser
- Fred van Dijk: Rapucation
- Steve McMahon: Plone Education
- Mikko Ohtamaa: Plone Developer documentation
- Andrew Mleczko: Content import
- Andreas Zeidler: collective.solr
- Andrew Carter: Plumi
- Florian Friesdorf: mr.developer
- Sjoerd: Deco
Robert Niederreiter: agx
agx does tree transformation with python.
Pawel Lewicki: ZPublisher.Client.Object
Get the real zodb object via url:
ZPublisher.Client.Object('http://.../obj', user, pass)
Nate Aune: ContentMirror
Push zodb data to a relational database.
Slides: http://jazkarta.com/contentmirror-lightning-talk.pdf
Fred van Dijk: Rapucation
Project for a school. Music teacher. Teenagers do not care about classical music, just videos. So let them make rap videos: rapucation. Let them share and react with others.
- LinguaPlone only shows Dutch content when you watch the site in Dutch. But we want them to see German and English reactions as well. So we tweaked LinguaPlone. Set Language='all' in all calls to the portal_catalog. And we did some tweaks for ordering.
- Don't store the video in Plone. We used ftp.streamingprovider.com and tweaked the urls that are shown.
- Notify reviewers by email. Use content rules for that. plone.app.contentrules.
Slides: http://www.zestsoftware.nl/presentations/rapucation.pdf
Steve McMahon: Plone Education
Book by Erik Rose: Plone 3.0 for Education
Mikko Ohtamaa: Plone Developer documentation
Chris Calloway: "We need less innovation and more documentation for a while."
There is a lot of knowledge around, but tacit knowledge needs to become explicit knowledge.
- Write down problem.
- Write down answer.
Package: collective.developermanual
Andrew Mleczko: Content import
How to import 120,000 documents in 8.43 minutes? Idea: only create the catalog brains. Let users create the real data later. Some dummy objects and a traverser later we are done very fast!
Andreas Zeidler: collective.solr
SOLR is a search engine. collective.solr does integration in Plone. Andy did a demo.
Andrew Carter: Plumi
Plumi is video sharing: http://EngageMedia.org Based on ATVideo. We want to sprint on Plumi this weekend.
Florian Friesdorf: mr.developer
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mr.developer written by Florian Schulze. Check out packages in your buildout.
git-svn and gitify. Central svn, local git! In mr.developer you have some new options now: revision and pkg_base.
Sjoerd: Deco
I am a student at Four Digits. Assignment: create forms and interface for adding/editing application tiles to Deco. Integrate it with Dexterity. Create rendering engine to render the page. I have made progress and want to sprint on it.
Testing in Plone
Open space
Testing tutorial: http://plone.org/documentation/tutorial/testing
Look at the tests in Plone itself, or at third party products. Find a product that does something similar and look at its tests.
If a product is not tested at all, a good way to start is add testbrowser tests to just create a content type of that product.
Use pdb in doctests: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/doctestpdbhacks
The p4a packages have good doctests.
The danger of doctests is that you get neither good documentation nor good tests.
Patrick Gerken: Grease monkey script for hiding code examples and showing more links on pypi: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/50614
The paster templates could add a bit more documentation about how to test.
collective.testcaselayer should help avoid some of the boiler plate code needed.
Hanno created plone.recipe.alltests to run all tests of the packages you selected.
z3c.testsetup should do the same.
You can use nose for tests.
In a pdb in your tests you can start a zope server where you can use your browser to click through the site:
>>> from Testing.ZopeTestCase.utils import startZServer >>> startZServer() ('', 55143)
Quality assurance for third party products
Open space
When a customer has installed 25 extra products and wants me to migrate his site, I want to be able to give him a good idea of how hard that is going to be, how much trouble, without needing to be convincing. Do the products have tests? Is there good test coverage?
On pypi you can see how many times a package has been downloaded. Gives an indication.
I want at least some automatic information, like number of tests, coverage.
It takes about one or two hours per package to configure a buildbot. You can grab statistics from that. Maybe automatically run pyflakes and pep8 tests.
Each package has an owner.
We can calculate a value for a package, like lines of code times the coverage. Can be touchy.
Perhaps create a directory buildbot in the collective, where people can put buildout config files for their packages.
It is better to have a src directory in a package instead of having the code next to the setup.py file.
Add automatically collected information to PloneSoftwareCenter.
Could be tricky to prevent someone uploading code to the collective that is then executed by the buildbot and for instance starts sending spam.
Show translation coverage.
We should not do rating (yet).
Look at the pylint package.
You can make pyflakes less complaining.
pep8 and pyflakes tests could be optional.
Action points, we can sprint on this:
- get buildbot infrastructure
- add fields to PSC for code coverage, and number of tests; could be annotations
- POST request for writing the info there from the buildbot
- scripts to parse the buildbot output and post the info