Migrating a Product to Plone 4.0
Some preliminary results and ideas based on first steps to get Products.Poi working on Plone 4 (not there yet).
Setup your buildout
Soon: add Plone==4.0a1 to the eggs in your buildout.cfg
Now: add your egg to the development buildout: http://tr.im/TryPlone4
Example buildout.cfg for Products.Poi
[buildout] extends = buildout.cfg auto-checkout += Products.Poi Products.AddRemoveWidget Products.DataGridField [sources] Products.Poi = svn https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/Products.Poi/trunk Products.AddRemoveWidget = svn https://svn.plone.org/svn/archetypes/Products.AddRemoveWidget/trunk Products.DataGridField = svn https://svn.plone.org/svn/archetypes/Products.DataGridField/trunk [instance] eggs += Products.Poi
Things to test
- Does bin/buildout work?
- Does the instance start up in the foreground?
- Can you install your product?
- Can you create/view your content type?
- Do the tests pass?
What to change
- Python2.6, Zope 2.12, CMF 2.2
- No more global_defines.pt
Poi Example 1
ImportError: No module named Interface
- Remove any imports of the Interface package.
- Remove any __implements__ lines from your content types.
- http://dev.plone.org/collective/changeset/100276
Poi Example 2
ImportError: No module named GlobalTranslationService
- use zope.i18n
from Products.PageTemplates.GlobalTranslationService \ import getGlobalTranslationService ts = getGlobalTranslationService() msg = ts.translate('Poi', msg, context=self.context)
from zope.i18n import translate msg = translate(msg, 'Poi', context=self.request)
[Update: you need to pass the request instead of the context.]
Plone 3.x and 4?
Compatibility can work:
try: from beer import Grolsch except ImportError: # BBB from beer import Heineken
or maybe not:
install_requires=[ 'Plone>=4.0dev', ],