Brain storming Plone features
Brain storming Plone features for the website
More info about PLOG 2012:
What features does Plone have?
- web based
- familiar folder structure
- in-site editing, no need to have a preview separated from the back-end editing
- role or group based access control, or nested
- customizable, local workflow
- versioning, check-in/check-out
- ZODB versions: undo
- search: full text and live search
- navigation: orderable items, readable urls
- SEO optimization
- HTML filtering
- Pluggable authentication
- strong commercial eco system
- strong add-on eco system
- flexible theming, skinning, templating; you can theme basically anything; getting easier; also some standard themes now
- commenting
- accessibility; a task force to have a new look at this may be formed
- multilingual; UI (and content with an add-on)
- GPL, open source, no license costs
- Plone Foundation as copyright holder so not a single company; multi-vendor
- works on multiple platforms
- python
- good security track record
- persistent urls that stay valid
- caching support
- clustering (ZEO)
- RelStorage (Oracle, Postgres, MySQL as backend)
- cutting and pasting folders and documents
- WYSIWYG editor
- metadata, Dublin core
- content types
- COPE, multichannel
- mobile ready
- html5 ready
- personal dashboard
- WebDAV, ftp access, XML-RPC
- built-in RSS indication
- any search can be turned into an RSS feed
- collections (document sets)
- tagging, taxonomy
- PDF generation (with add-ons)
- portlets
- customizable layout
- event logs
- buildout
- content rules engine
- mailing system
- blogging
- content management
- image scaling/handling
- inline view for (some) files you upload
- getting faster with each release
- sub sites
- create your own forms (add-on PloneFormGen)
- geo tagging
- document indexing, full text pdf search
- possible external search integration, e.g. SOLR
- documentation
- (community) support
- local user groups and events
- complete application stack
- cross-browser compatibility
- automated tests, continuous testing
- there is an upgrade path to newer versions
- framework team who reviews new ideas for the core
- good release management
- modular packaging
- mature
- you can migrate to Plone from several other platforms, there is a basis for that
- translated into dozens of languages out of the box
- external integration
- community events, conferences, code sprints, Plone Tune-Ups
- code quality
- extensible content types through the web (dexterity)
- turn a folder into a photo gallery
- out of the box product plus platform
- personalization, user profiles, user folder
- contextual search: search within a folder
- ratings, twitter, facebook (with add-ons)
If you are interesting in improving this list, structuring it, contact Matt Hamilton for access to a Google Docs document where we can collaboratively edit it.