Annual meeting of Plone Foundation

published Oct 15, 2015

Annual meeting of the Plone Foundation at the Plone Conference 2015 in Bucharest.

Everyone is welcome, only members of the Plone Foundation can vote.

There is a report of the last year. Together with other documentation, see

Thank you to the membership committee, ambassadors, Google Summer of Code, including talk of student Prakhar Joshi today.

Some activities this year: Plone Symposium Tokyo, Strategic Summit Sorrento. Sprints funded: FourDigits Anniversary Sprint, Munich Theming Sprint. There were lots more sprints.

Launch of Many thanks to many people!

We were present in PyCon, EuroPython. Hardly any marketing money applied there, more guerilla marketing, with lots of T-shirts at the right time.

Plone 5 launch, which we had nothing to do with, except that we launched a Launch Team for issues that are not code related. Much better than the Plone 4 release which was basically dumping a tarball on the website. Thanks!

CMS Garden Brochure with a section on Plone, working together with other open source CMSes. We are not each others enemies, we have other fish to fry. Thanks Maik, Armin, Christina.

Relicensing of Mockup to BSD.

Trademarks renewed or reissued, for another ten years.

New foundation members: Kees Hink, Sally Kleinfeldt, Guido Stevens, Alin Voinea, Christina McNeill, Peter Holzer, K K Dhanesh, Fred van Dijk, Roel Bruggink, William Fennie, Cris Ewing. You are very welcome to nominate yourself for membership, don't be shy, no impostor syndrome please. :-)

Nathan van Gheem is representative on TinyMCE user advisory board. OSI membership. Social media support by Christina.

Thank you to all our sponsors. New: university sponsors. The first is the University of Namur, Belgium.

Financial balance: we are more or less even.

Philip Bauer moves to approve the report. Cris Ewing seconds. Everyone says aye. Report is approved.

Now a new Foundation board of directors.

Cris and Steve are leaving the board. Nominees for the next board. Existing: Kim, Alexander, Paul, Carol, Chrissy. New: Philip, Victor.

Christina moves to approve the new board. Alexander seconds. All say aye. We have a new board.

Any pressing concerns that you want to ask?

Alexander moves to adjourn the meeting, Philip seconds. All say aye.