Closing session
Closing session at the Plone Conference 2015 in Bucharest.
Alec Ghica: I hope you enjoyed the event and your stay in Rumania. Thank you to our sponsors for making this happen. Thank you to my colleagues from all the web. Thank you all the trainers. Thank you Paul for your help organizing everything.
Paul: Thank you Alec! Tomorrow sprint. Coffee at 9:00. Finally: the board has received a nomination for organizing the conference of next year. Step forward Eric and Sally.
Eric and Sally: What do you think of when I say Boston? Red Sox. Patriots. Boston Celtics. Pilgrims. Brakers. Maybe Aerosmith. Blue Man Group. Symphony Orchestra. One of the oldest public libraries. Old North Church. Freedom trail. Boston massacre. USS Constitution tallship. Public gardens. Old cobble stone streets of Beacon Hill. Fall colors. Harvard university. MIT.
But we hope you will be thinking of Plone too. October 17 till 23, 2016, the Plone conference will be in Boston, US. Two venues: MIT Sloan school of management, and Microsoft New England research center. Important: inclusivity, community and collaboration. Power and flexibility of Plone. Strong outreach to new Plone users. Brought to you by Sally, Kim and me, Cris. B there!